Siberian Husky
Bath will not include any hair trimming, except spot shaving sanitary area if requested.
Trim means a little bit of trimming around face, feet and tail.
Shave mean we will remove all the hair from head to tail with the shortest and safest blade.
Haircut means a one length all around haircut.
The primary focus of this breeds service is to Deshed as much as possible, a Trim is recommended to neaten up the body and make the hair look more uniform.
A full body Haircut can reduce the lenght of the hair and help with making the dog feel more comfortable.
Although this dog should not be shaved, this breed is also prone to matting, especially when their coat isn't brushed daily or when it's exposed to water frequently. There are instances where a shave down becomes the only viable option due to the condition of the coat and lack of regular maintenance. The outcome will depend on factors such as the extent of matting, whether it's safe to brush the matted areas, and the amount of time required for brushing. We prioritize the safety and comfort of your pet and will inform you of your dogs options. Keep in mind that a full shave does look very weird for this breed, and in some rare cases, cutting the hair so short can lead the hair growing back patchy or in some cases, some spots may remain bald. For more info on this subject, please ask the groomer about all the downsides of shaving.